[토종볏짚] 올벼심리(올벼심니, 올베심니, 풋바심) 이삭걸기 'Olbesimni' Hanging up Ears of Grain, Folk Belief Symbols 

[토종볏짚]팔덕선 八悳扇 
 Rice Straw Paldeokseon (symbolizes the eight virtues Fans)

[토종볏짚] 짚홰기 빗자루 Rice Straw Broom

[토종볏짚] 짚홰기 빗자루 Rice Straw Broom

[갈대] 갈대 방비 Phragmites Broom

[토종볏짚]두트레방석 Rice Straw Jar Cover

[토종볏짚] 두트레 받침 Rice Straw Pot Mat Coaster

[토종볏짚] 토종볏짚 솟을민꽃살문 받침
[Rice Straw] Traditional Door Flower Lattice Pattern Pot Mats

[토종볏짚] 전통 똬리
[Rice Straw] TTWARI 
: A ring-shaped item made of straw or cloth that is placed on the head to carry things on it. 

[토종볏짚] 똬리받침 Rice Straw Pot Mat Coaster

[토종볏짚] 복 거북 장식 
[Rice Straw] Good Luck Turtle Object

[토종볏짚] 볏짚 책갈피끈 Rice Straw Bookmark

[토종볏짚] 복조리 장식 Rice Straw Bokjori Object

[토종볏짚] 작은 복조리 장식 Mini Rice Straw Bokjori Object

[토종볏짚] 닭둥우리
[Rice Straw] Chicken Nest

[토종볏짚] 가락지 매듭 받침
[Rice Straw] Garakji knot Maedeup Coaster

[한산모시] 풀각시 비
[Hansan Mosi] Pulgaksi Broom

[한산모시] 풀각시 작은 솔 빗자루
[Hansan Mosi] Narrow Space Broom Brush 

[부들] 부들 꽃발
[Cattail] Ornament Curtain

[왕골] 왕골 등갓
[Cyperus] Lampshade

[준순잎, 볏짚] 똬리 받침
[Bamboo Shoot Shell, Rice Straw] TTWARI
 Pot Mat Coaster

[토종볏짚] 볏짚 컵받침
[Rice Straw] Cup Coaster

[토종볏짚] 시루밑 받침
[Rice Straw] Traditional Steamer Cooking Mat

[토종볏짚] 시루밑 솥 받침
[Rice Straw] Traditional Steamer Cooking Mats (small used to pot mats)

[왕골] 통왕골 받침
[Cyperus] Traditional Pot Mat Coaster

[토종볏짚] 틈새 솔 빗자루
[Rice Straw] Narrow Space Broom Brush
짚풀절기 자연공방